

The configuration variables related to your app are stored in /assets/custom/js/config.js file.

You can store configuration variables such as app settings, API keys related to third-party services inside this file.

The example structure for storing variables is:

window.config.facebook {
    appId: '12345678987654321'

In the same way, you can store config variables inside window.config object.

Accessing Configuration Variables

You can access these variables from inside JavaScript or from inside the HTML template literals.

// Accessing from inside JavaScript

// Or you can also access this way, once your app is initialized.
console.log(app.config.facebook.appId); // This is the recommended way
<!-- Accessing from inside HTML template literals -->
    <div>${$f7.config.facebook.appId}}</div> <!-- After parsing, the output will be 12345678987654321 -->

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